Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[[::I'M A MOMMY::]]

This is the reaction of my sweet husband finding out he's gonna be a Daddy. I wrote on his plate "Congratulations! You're Gonna be a Daddy" ... So after he was done eating his dinner, he'd see the message :) ... Let me tell you - HE NEVER EATS THIS SLOW! I had to wait all day for this and I thought I was gonna DIE!!!!!!!! Hahaha... Later my famiy came over... My mom and sister already knew but my Dad didn't... We got his reaction on tape too!! I'm so thankful for God's Gift to us. I can't describe my excitement nor can I describe how very THANKFUL I feel and how blessed we are!! THANK YOU LORD!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

::Determined To Have My Garden In Pots::

So... here it is! The beginning of my Herb Garden. I planted Sweet Basil, Italian Parsley, Thyme & Chives! We will see how it turnes out. I read up on planting in pots, especially with Herb Seeds .... This is my first time with this & I'm hoping for the best!! I love fresh herbs way more than store bought dry herbs.... So I really hope it works! :) Here's some pics of my "Garden In Pots"...

:::A Disaster That Turned Into A Delight:::

OH MY GOODNESS! Have you ever had one of those days in the kitchen where EVERYTHING goes wrong? Well... THIS was my day!

We were planning on meeting up with the family for Pizza Night at a local place in town & after everyone was gonna come over and have desserts at our house..... SO, I begin my day of planning. I had just made Chocolate Chip Cookies, so for a little variety I decided to made two more things. I made Chocolate Cookies With Peanut Butter & Mini Carrot Cakes. Well the recipe I found for the cookies seemed A-OkaY! After I baked them, I tasted one and I thought it was awful!! So dry..... (To my taste that is....) So, I made a little Peanut Butter Frosting For them which may have helped a bit, but I didn't eat any after that first bad taste! :) Secondly was the Mini Carrot Cakes! I was so excited about these... I love carrot cake and found a recipe for cupcakes. So I decided to make them in Ramekins for the visual effect & had made a buttercream frosting and sweet cream Cheese frosting. WELL - you'll see the pictures below & you'll get the rest of the story. IT WAS A DISASTER!!! I was able to save some of the batter and turn them into "Creamy Carrot Cake Bites" ... I liked them but the end result was NOT what I had planned! :) We ended up having a great time visiting with the family anyways, and they were all sweet enough to complement my "ROUGH" Day's work in the Kitchen! :)

This was before my "Mini Carrot Cakes" Entered my oven!

THIS ........ was after! UGH - sense my frustration! THEY ALL BOILED OVER!

This is what the remaining batter turned into. Not so pretty, but I had to do something with it! They were good, but not what I had planned!

My Oh So Lovely .... Disaster Day In The Kitchen :)