Friday, July 16, 2010

:::MMM MMM GoOoOoD:::

Seasoned Pork Chops (Store bought Seasoning)
Baked Potato Bites
Baked Green Beans (Seasoned With Garlic Salt, Pepper, Onion & Bacon)
Garlic French Bread
Veggies with Smokey Dip
Heath Brownies

::: Recipes To Come :::

In the mean time, I'm LOVING my table! I got new plates - a set of 8 for $.99 EACH!! HELLO GOOD DEAL :)) You'll never guess where I got them - Good Will!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

:::Homemade Popcorn Chicken & French Fries:::

Okay, I must say these were FABULOUS. You've got to try this recipe. I kinda just picked some spices out and put equal parts of it in flour. Here's the recipes:

Seasoned French Fries

4 Russet Potatoes (Peeled & Sliced to your desire of thickness)
1 C. Flour
1 tsp. garlic salt, pepper, onion salt and paprika
1/2 C. Water (as needed)

  • Peel and slice potatoes and put in cold, salted water until ready to put in batter. They will turn brown if you don't.
  • Combine Spices & Flour. Stir in water slowly until the consistency is where you could drizzle it.
  • Dip slices of potatoes into batter, then drop into oil. Take them out and drain when GOLDEN (not golden-brown). RE-dip them into batter and fry for a second time. Take them out when golden-BROWN and drain. Salt them when they're HOT if you like your fries salty. :)

Popcorn Chicken

1 egg
1 C. Flour
1 tsp. salt, pepper, cayenne, paprika, minced onion, garlic powder
2 Chicken Breasts
EVOO - frying

  • Mix Flour & Seasonings
  • Cut chicken into small cubes (not TOO small, or it will be TOO crispy)
  • Pour oil in skillet - medium/high heat
  • Pour whisked eggs over cubed chicken. Dip chicken into batter & repeat this process.
  • Fry 3-4 minutes and flip over making sure chicken is cooked through. Let drain on paper towels, then serve! :)